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Technical Chemicals and Application Equipment

Technical chemicals include lubricants, adhesives, glues and sealants that are widely used in industry for assembly, repair and maintenance works. Lubricants reduce friction, wear, and overheating in mechanical equipment and provide some protection against water damage, contaminants and corrosives. Adhesives, glues and sealants hold materials together and prevent separation, fill gaps and seal joints to keep out contaminants and prevent leaks. Application equipment are refilled with compatible cartridges or bulk material to mix, measure, and consistently distribute lubricants, adhesives, glues and sealants. Various types of application equipment available, including oilers, pumps and guns. Ortadoğu Makina supplies a wide selection of technical chemicals and application equipment according to your needs.

Our Range of Technical Chemicals and Application Equipment

gres yağı

Lubricating Greases

pas giderici

Rust Removers

makine ve parça temizleyici

Machinery and Parts Cleaners







sıvı conta

Gasket Makers

dolgu köpüğü

Expanding Foams

yapışkan bant

Adhesive Tapes

yüksek ısı tutkal çubuğu

Hot Melt Glue Sticks

sprey boya

Spray Paints



gres pompası

Grease Guns

havalı gres pompası

Air Operated Grease Pumps

silikon tabancası

Caulking Guns

köpük tabancası

Foam Guns

tutkal tabancası

Glue Guns

fasarit tabancası

Paint Spray Guns